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Unverified Commit 33fb8ded authored by anarcat's avatar anarcat
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fix delete command in bacula

Got a bunch of:

    sh: 23: delete: not found

... which, obviously, don't tell us which host was deleted
too. Argh. But at least next jobs should be good.

There were actually two queued jobs (5,6) that were scheduled to
delete build-x86-11 and nat-fsn-01. I have removed those jobs and ran
the jobs by hand, since they would have also failed.

What the other 4 jobs were is a mystery. I did a diff of the host list
in LDAP versus the `list client` in bacula, and only could find
build-x86-13 that was in bacula and not LDAP, so i don't understand
what the other three clients might have been. Possibly those were the
windows VM?

Any case, we should be consistent now, at the cost of having removed
the backups of two VMs a day earlier than planned.
parent 4ffee55d
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