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Commit cea86c93 authored by David Fifield's avatar David Fifield
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Use ListenAndServe{TLS} rather than separate Listen and Serve.

The net/http package provides ListenAndServe and ListenAndServeTLS
functions, but it doesn't provide a way to set up a listener without
also entering an infinite serve loop. This matters for
ListenAndServeTLS, which sets up a lot of magic behind the scenes for
TLS and HTTP/2 support. Formerly, we had copy-pasted code from
ListenAndServeTLS, but that code has only gotten more complicated in
upstream net/http.

The price we pay for this is that it's no longer possible for a server
bindaddr to ask to listen on port 0 (i.e., a random ephemeral port).
That's because we never get a change to find out what the listening
address is, before entering the serve loop.

What we gain is HTTP/2 support; formerly our copy-pasted code had the
side effect of disabling HTTP/2, because it was copied from an older
version and did things like
	config.NextProtos = []string{"http/1.1"}

The new code calls http2.ConfigureServer first, but that's not what's
providing HTTP/2 support. HTTP/2 support happens by default. The reason
we call http2.ConfigureServer is because we need to set
TLSConfig.GetCertificate, and http2.ConfigureServer is a convenient way
to initialize TLSConfig in a way that is guaranteed to work with HTTP/2.
parent 7c239cfb
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