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Commit bea7e61c authored by richard's avatar richard 😸 Committed by Georg Koppen
Browse files

Bug 31286: Implementation of bridge, proxy, and firewall settings in about:preferences#tor

This patch adds a new about:preferences#tor page which allows modifying
bridge, proxy, and firewall settings from within Tor Browser. All of the
functionality present in tor-launcher's Network Configuration panel is

 - Setting built-in bridges
 - Requesting bridges from BridgeDB via moat
 - Using user-provided bridges
 - Configuring SOCKS4, SOCKS5, and HTTP/HTTPS proxies
 - Setting firewall ports
 - Viewing and Copying Tor's logs

In addition the following changes have been made:

 - The Networking Settings in General preferences has been removed
 - TorStrings has been removed from the SecurityLevel component and
   moved into a common shared module also used by about:preferences#tor
parent 7cebb575
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