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  • David Fifield's avatar
    Make libwebrtc build for mac. · 7ba44385
    David Fifield authored
    Build libwebrtc using libcxx. Set use_custom_libcxx=0. According to the
    source comment, use_custom_libcxx=1 means to use a precompiled libcxx in
    the third_party directory.
    Build the test target
    rather than peerconnection_unittests.isolated; building just an object
    file doesn't require the linker and is faster.
    Use x86_64-apple-darwin11-ar, not ar, to link libwebrtc-magic.a.
    When linking go-webrtc later on, it would cause the error:
    ld: warning: ignoring file lib/libwebrtc-darwin-amd64-magic.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (x86_64)