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  • David Fifield's avatar
    Add webrtc-mac.patch. · efa5e819
    David Fifield authored
    Descriptions for each patch are in the mbox-formatted patch file.
    Subject: [PATCH 01/13] Use flags for GNU grep, not BSD grep.
    Subject: [PATCH 02/13] Remove flags not supported by Mac ld.
    Subject: [PATCH 03/13] Undefine __APPLE__ in usrsctp.
    Subject: [PATCH 04/13] Include <sys/socket.h> in
    Subject: [PATCH 05/13] Allow non-mac to build .m and .mm sources (objc and
    Subject: [PATCH 06/13] Propagate "-framework Foundations" in ldflags.
    Subject: [PATCH 07/13] Provide definitions of NS_ENUM and NS_OPTIONS.
    Subject: [PATCH 08/13] Remove lightweight-generics annotations from NSArray
    Subject: [PATCH 09/13] Use -fobjc-arc in webrtc/build/objc_common.gypi.
    Subject: [PATCH 10/13] Replace firstObject with objectAtIndex:0.
    Subject: [PATCH 11/13] fobjc-arc
    Subject: [PATCH 12/13] Use objectAtIndex instead of array index syntax.
    Subject: [PATCH 13/13] Hack out some more NS_ENUM and NS_OPTIONS.