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  1. Jul 23, 2015
    • Isis Lovecruft's avatar
      Add a Content-Security-Policy header to all webserver pages. · 002104d3
      Isis Lovecruft authored
      In addition, there were numerous elements of inline CSS styling and
      various onclick handlers which had to be rewritten.  While I was at it,
      I rewrote the stylesheets to fix serious usability/readability problems,
      particularly when using mobile devices like tablets and phones.  Other
      problems, like the onion logo in the background sometime overwriting or
      blending with text on some pages, are now fixed as well.
       * ADDS a new class, `bridgedb.https.server.CSPResource`, which handles
         adding an appropriate CSP header to all pages which inherit from it.
       * FIXES #15968:
       * CHANGES the CSS styling for some pages, for some window sizes and
         devices, to be more responsive, readable, and usable.
       * ADD @media CSS queries in order to improve readability and usability on
         small devices.
       * CHANGES the captcha.html page with various visual (i.e. the functionality
         hasn't been altered) improvements.
       * CHANGES the behaviour for loading additional CSS when rendered in a
         left-to-right charset.
       * CHANGE javascript functions to update the "aria-hidden" attribute for
         the QRCode modal properly, in order to improve accessibility
         (particularly for screen reader devices).
       * ADD use of "aria-disabled" attribute, for the "Select All" button
         when JS is disabled, for the accessibility reasons ibid.
       * FIXES #16649:
  2. Jun 25, 2015
  3. Jun 24, 2015